Home > FAQ > Business Law FAQ'S > How much work do I need to do prior to court proceedings?

Litigation is time-consuming, especially in complex cases. Such cases require a lot of preparation. You will need to check for any documents you possess that relate to the issues in dispute, which will likely require you to go through a high volume of emails and correspondence. You will need to meet with a solicitor and provide them with all details necessary to the case, including what led to the dispute, and to assess your options and objectives.

If you are initiating a claim, it is advisable to prepare as early as you can. As soon as your claim is issued in court, a timetable will be imposed that all parties must comply with. If you are not prepared in advance, you could end up losing a great deal of time and money.

Time is even more restricted if you are defending a claim. You should invest time for preparations at the earliest opportunity. This gives your solicitor adequate time to evaluate your position and advise suitable strategies for your defence and the case’s resolution.

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