Home > FAQ > Business Law FAQ'S > At what point should I contact a debt recovery solicitor?

When you decide that the debt has been outstanding for long enough, or a contract has been breached, contacting a debt recovery solicitor is a good course of action. They can determine the likelihood that you will recover the payment through legal means and advise whether you could/should take your case further.

Reaching out to a solicitor can prompt your debtor to pay you back faster. If your solicitor issues them a formal letter specifying a timeframe for repayment before a legal case is opened, the debtor may act to avoid going to court. Helix Law send that first letter for free and only charge 10% of anything paid as a result of that letter.

However, it is advised that you first attempt to resolve the matter amicably with the customer, negotiating payment options, before contacting a solicitor if you value the debtor as a customer. Just don’t leave it too long.

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